1 Simple Way To Increase Sales, 496% ROI In Less Than 60 Days!
Questions like, “I don't want to use high pressure sales tactics”, “I don't know if I can trust a 3rd party to call my customers” & “There are more important channels that require capital over sales”, often plague their mind. However, the most frequent question is
“I'm not sure outbound sales will work for my business or business model”....
And the answer is...
Yes! It absolutely will.
Every business needs Sales to succeed and grow and can benefit from having an Outbound Sales Strategy.
We’ve often seen and heard from Highly successful Businessmen, Investors and Entrepreneurs, like Mark Cuban, Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins & Grant Cardone that “Sales Cures All” and “Sales is the gasoline to a business operational flame” amongst others.
And while that is partially correct, it also brings other challenges and exposes shortcomings if a business is not ready.
So how do you know if your business is ready? Well that depends on multiple factors. Do you have the right people? What is your product or service? Do you have the right process? Do you have the tools and services you need? How long is your sales cycle? Onboarding, shipping and fulfillment, inventory and production… and the list goes on and on..
It's easy to get lost down a long rabbit hole of questions if you don't have the experience and know-how on these kinds of things, so I’ve put together a short list of things to help you outline key areas of your business that need to be rock solid.
I'm sure you're familiar with the 3 P’s of Business, made famous by Mark Lemonis on CNBC’s The Profit, so I won't dive deep into those, but for those that aren’t familiar, they are
Product, People & Process.
Each of those are very important and you can find other articles I’ve written referencing those. For the purpose of this article though, I want to focus on other, equally important points.
- The Foundation - Software & Tech Stack
- Strategy & Execution
- & Last but not least Profit
Now you might find these points familiar, as it is what I’ve come to learn from the study and practice of books like “Scaling Up - How A Few Companies Make It.. and why the Rest Don’t by Verne Harnish.
I'm also backing these up with Real Life Results from our very own business and some of our clients.
We work with online businesses, entrepreneurs and brands to generate more awareness, reach new customers and engage with them to maximize every touchpoint. Everything from Digital Marketing & Advertising, E-commerce Software & CRM or Outbound Sales and Contact Centers, We provide unparalleled results for our partners and their customers.
Now, In Order for everything to work it starts with:
#1 Software Foundation - Having the Correct Technology Stack of Tools and services is key.
This goes above simply using a basic page builder like Clickfunnels, LMS like Kajabi, or CRM Like Konnective and trying to piecemeal it together with Zapier. You can’t expect to win at business running your operation on subpar tools and services that will not scale and perform to enhance and simplify your workflow. Not all systems are coded and built with the same standards. That's why we built our Software to eliminate the complexity of having multiple providers, into 1 simple portal. That's not to say we don't use many services to handle all those functions, but rather that place the burden on you, the consumer, we take on the load and capacity to figure it out for you so you don't have to! Our mission is to remove the burden of technology and not add to it.
So make sure you're vetting and understanding the capacity of the tools you want to utilize along with associated maintenance costs to keep those running.
While you want to keep in mind the current stage of your business, look to the future to plan your needs in 6,12 & 24 months. You don't want to skimp on a solution now, only to find out that you outgrew the cheaper option and have to reinvest to upgrade & migrate all of your systems down the road.
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#2 Strategy & Execution:
Strategy and Execution as it relates to outbound sales depends largely on your online marketing and lead generation efforts. If you cannot count on consistent, reliable & scalable lead flow, you will constantly struggle to grow your business. That should be your next BIG Rock to focus all your efforts into.
If Lead Generation is strong, then chances are, you’ve got an audience or database you can leverage. If You’ve got a pulse on your business, you're aware of cost of acquisition, conversion rates, churn and other key performance metrics that allow you to make informed decisions.
You might be asking yourself, what does all of this have to do with outbound sales? Any good business person would tell you that you should know these numbers anyways, but The fact of the matter is that sales is really driven by these metrics.
Things like:
- How much does it cost me to provide this service?
- How much do I pay a sales agent?
- How much CAN I pay and Agent?
- How long is my sales cycle?
- How much investment and resources will it take?
- Plus many more..
And we haven't even discussed the time needed to find, hire, train and develop your sales agents into sales rockstars! Let alone keep them motivated and retain them once you’ve invested so much into them.
I’ve actually written a more detailed article solely about “Should I Build an In-House Sales Team vs Hiring an Outbound Sales Contact Center”. Definitely worth your time if you want a detailed breakdown.
Lucky for you, you’ve got options to suit you if you are hands-on and like to be involved or if you like a sit back Done For you approach.
Click Here to Learn More About Outbound Sales Contact Center >>
#3 Profit: How This Extra Profit Affects Your Bottom Line
This is probably the best part from a business standpoint. However, the hardest to reach! Many have tried and failed and reaping the benefits of extra profits or (money out of thin air) as we like to call it, is reserved for organizations that have tasted the “sweet elixir” of outbound sales profits.
All of the extra profits that are generated give you the ability to dominate your niche and drive out competition. Extra cash flow for operating expenses, inventory, advertising spend, affiliate marketing, and all the other cash intensive things a business needs to survive. All these things that are known to cripple the growth of a business, and hold it back from achieving its true potential are no longer there.
Profits and Cash go hand in hand and having this revenue source is a god send and in many cases allows businesses to go negative on advertising and even lose money on acquisition knowing that their outbound sales will recoup their investment on the back end. We do not condone this and businesses should always strive to be profitable on day 1 front-end and conversion side. If your'e not clear on your front end strategy refer back up to point #2.
Now, If you've been following me to this point, you should have an understanding of how #3 Profits & #2 Strategy & Execution really go hand in hand and bring the whole journey full circle. Extra Profits feed marketing efforts, Marketing Efforts generate Leads & Online Sales, Which in turn generates more revenue from Outbound Sales Team.
And Assuming that you have the correct systems and infrastructure in place you should see hockey stick growth, customer acquisition, gain market share, increased revenue and great profits for your company.
Our knowledge and expertise comes from over 20 years of experience in the field. We’ve helped companies go from as little as 10k/month to over 6 & 7 Figures Businesses in just a few short months! All with the use of Marketing & Advertising, Software & Sales Strategies.
Click Here to Learn How to Leverage Outbound Sales For your Business!