5 Keys For Scalability In Your Online Business
If you are like most of us small business owners, then you probably started small. Really small. Odds are its was just you, your laptop and this fantastic idea. And like every small business, growth is now on your mind. Maybe you’re impatient and are biting more than you can chew, to get to the next step. Whatever your case might be, like most small business owners, you have dreams that are bigger than your current reality. A recent Keap.com blog suggest these 5 essential tips on scaling an online business:
- build a solid foundation
- focus on scalable business solutions
- embrace strategic planning
- focus on your core strengths
- be patient
The problem is, when the day to day of small business ownership can be so overwhelming, it’s tough to know what you should be doing now to prepare your business for a successful future. What is scalability in business and what are your limitations? Understanding this is fundamental to your business success. So, how do you build a scalable business? We’ve got the answer for you. Follow these five keys for scalability success:
5 Keys To Building A Scalable Business
True scalability in business allows for expansion and revenue growth while minimizing increases in operational costs. Even if you’re not ready to grow right now, there are things you can do to set yourself up for scalable growth and success.
1. Build A Solid Foundation
Right now—while your business is small—is the perfect time to invest your time and energy in foundational systems that will allow your small business to grow into a much larger entity. These systems and processes can help you avoid the painful (and expensive) growing pains that can hit when you’re not prepared. Having robust systems—such as a solid CRM or powerful e-commerce software—can help you untangle the web of time-consuming details and free you to focus on the parts of your business that will drive growth and expansion. Automation is the small business owner’s friend.
Review your business to see what aspects are repetitive or monotonous and make it your ultimate goal to automate them as much as possible so that your attention remains focused on growth-related activities.
2. Focus On Scalable Business Solutions
In the early days it can be tempting to go with the quick (or cheap) fix. Money, time, and expertise can be in short supply, and investing in basic solutions that don’t require a huge financial investment or learning curve can seem like the wisest solution. Resist the temptation to slap together a myriad of inexpensive and inadequate options and think ahead to what will serve your business best in the future. A forward-thinking mindset can help you avoid a common small business trap: a patchwork maze of systems that just aren’t getting the job done. Think as the owner of a business 10 times larger than your current reality. Choose solutions that will serve what is AND what may come: quality over quantity. Simran Thadani, the executive director of Letterform Archive, a nonprofit organization that has a library of typography and design elements, has a few tools up her sleeve that helped her achieve scalable growth:
- Trello: Imagine digitizing your wall of sticky note to-do lists. That’s basically what you get with Trello. Using the app, you can create note cards that you can put on lists and then move them around by clicking and dragging them. Trello gives you a flexible, interactive, collaborative tool with which you can chart out anything from team roles on a specific project to your company's 18-month road map. You can also use it to simply to track your to-do list.
- Gusto (formerly Zen Payroll): This app allows companies to manage payroll and benefits in one solution. Plus, when employees receive their first paychecks, the app says, "Hey, you've just been paid. Isn't today a beautiful day?" with a picture of butterflies and flowers.
- Google Ventures Design Sprint: A word of advice from Thadani: “Slow down to scale up.” The sprint begins with quiet time to brainstorm. Employees are told there are no bad ideas, then asked to write everything they think of down on a sticky note and stick it up on a wall. This helps to eliminate one voice dominating, or dead silence from all.
People then use stars or tallies to vote on their favorite ideas. Generally, you’ll find that it’s not just one person with all the good ideas. Typically, all parts of the company will be represented, and all employees have ideas worth contributing.
Next, you talk about validating the idea, asking the team: Why did you choose this idea? Why did this idea have three stars and the next had five? What's the best way to pursue the idea? From there, you can prototype the idea. The exercise brings tremendous validation—not just of the best ideas, but of the people who brought up those ideas.
The frequency of your sprints depends on how frequently you feel you need to iterate on something new, whether it’s to improve a process or come up with a new idea from scratch. The design sprint works in a range of different situations. But you don’t want to rely on it as a crutch, like going back to the drawing board because it didn’t work. Take the time you need, but don’t get stuck in too many meetings. Use the sprint to figure out the path to the next idea. Iterate from where you’re stuck. Be confident in the good ideas you’ve had thus far, and then take things from there.
3. Embrace Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is the link between a great idea and true success and growth. More a philosophy of operation than a one-time event, it requires ongoing attention to detail and an investment of time. Knowing your business inside and out can prepare you to deal with challenges and prepare you for opportunities to scale.
Develop a series of quarterly and annual priorities, a mission that sets the tone for the next three to five years of operation and a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) to keep you reaching for success.
4. Focus On Your Core Strengths
You can’t be everywhere. Focusing on your core strengths and hiring or outsourcing the rest of the tasks associated with running your small business is essential to a scalable business. Concentrate on working on your business instead of in your business; scalable business owners are experts at leveraging outside resources. Build a staff or team of freelancers to do what they do best so you can concentrate on letting your own native genius work its magic.
5. Be Patient
Rome wasn’t built in a day. Good things come to those who wait. Patience is a virtue.
Cliché or not, there’s a reason these little gems of wisdom are so pervasive. In your small business, patience is just as important as it is in the rest of life. Take the time along the way to maximize the systems, processes, and people you rely on to make your operation a success so that when opportunities present themselves, your business is ready to grow.
Remember, a path of slow and steady growth is much more sustainable–and scalable–in the long run.
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