Defining Your Target Audience & Customer Avatar
Let me start by saying that you can't be all things to all people. The number 1 reason people fail in marketing their product is because they are not specific enough.
You need to as specific as possible in who you want your ideal customers is, so you can effectively market to them.
There are 3 things to consider:
Who is your product or service for? (target audience)
What is the transformation you create for your client? (results)
What exactly is the offer? (deliverables)
Who is your product or service for? (target audience)
Do you have an ideal client avatar written up? This is deeper than having a target audience; this is more about having a real person in mind that you can refer back to when creating your
Marketing. You can even give them a name. (Do not use a real client's name here.)
For example, if you sell a group coaching program for female entrepreneurs to help them align
with their vision create a greater impact, then your target audience might be women aged 25-35
who have their own business and have been entrepreneurs for 3-5 years.
But that’s still a huge market. You can create a more compelling offer if you are able refine
your audience down. The more specific you can be, the more powerful you can make your offer and your message.
What is the transformation you create for your clients?
Do you have a clear picture of the “before and after” of your ideal client?
The reason this is important is that if you don’t have detailed idea of what you do for your
clients, then it makes it 10x harder to communicate what you help people with through your
marketing messaging and during 1-on-1 interactions..
Yeah, this sounds basic. But you would be surprised at how many people aren’t able to
clearly state, “This is what happens when you work with me.”
For example, it’s one thing to say that you help entrepreneurs get more qualified leads. But it’s
another thing entirely so say that you help six-figure entrepreneurs stop hustling to sell more of
their high ticket offer and instead rely on an automated system of lead generation that qualifies
and delivers dozens of ideal prospects on a daily basis.
To ensure you’re clear on this, ask yourself these questions:
what is the pain my client is in?
What is the “before picture”?
What pain do I solve?
What is the “after picture”?
Go deep into that by asking, “And why does that matter?” Maybe your clients want more
leads. Why does that matter to them? Ask that question until you get to the very bottom
and have a clearer idea of why your clients buy from you.
What are the details of the offer itself?
If you’ve got the first 2 things figured out, this
part is relatively simple.
Is it a group coaching program? 1-on-1 consulting? A package of your agencies services?
High end personal coaching?
What are the particular things they get? The outcomes and benefits they can expect? The
tangible thing they are purchasing?
And, of course, what’s the investment and payment terms?
confirm what you have. And once you’ve got the offer nailed down, it’s time to think about
how to get it in front of as many of your ideal clients as possible.